Your Podiatry Professionals

Québec podiatric medical clinic

Clinique de médecine podiatrique de Québec

Québec podiatric medical clinic

Since 1993, the Québec podiatric medical clinic has been offering a full range of treatments for your foot problems, which also affect your legs and back.


In order to maintain the level of quality that Doctor in podiatric medicine François Allart demands in his practice, every step of your care takes place under one roof. Our team of experts work under his constant supervision. Our treatment rooms are designed specifically for each step of the diagnostic and podiatric treatment process. We also have a one-of-a-kind orthopedic laboratory, where we manufacture our personalized orthotics in accordance with the specific needs of each patient.

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Our philosophy with respect to fees

In addition to offering comprehensive service, we are also committed to applying our podiatric expertise at a reasonable price, regardless of the complexity of your problem. You will not pay more because your problem appears to be more complex. Our goal is to work with you in order to resolve your problem with comprehensive treatment and targeted follow-up. Furthermore, we are committed to providing our services at fixed prices that are very competitive.

The majority of our services are covered by private insurance plans and some governmental social service programs.

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