Your Podiatry Professionals

Diagnosis & Examinations

Examen podiatrique

In-depth examinations for an accurate diagnosis

The Québec podiatric medical clinic offers general podiatry services to treat all types of conditions related to the feet and their effect on the legs.

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Our exams

Thanks to our facilities and the expertise of Doctor in podiatric medicine François Allart, we can provide you with an accurate diagnosis before administering the proper treatment.

Our goal is not to simply treat the problem, but to treat the source of the problem in order to correct it more effectively and prevent the risk of a recurrence.

A biomechanical examination (analysis of the gait and pressure points, radiological examination, range of motion, etc.) leads to an accurate diagnosis and allows the podiatrist to target the treatment plan on the pathologies affecting the feet and their effect on the legs.

Doctor in podiatric medicine François Allart uses the latest radiology and imaging tools in compliance with the strictest standards in podiatric medicine in order to reach an accurate diagnosis and determine the right treatments for you.

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