Your Podiatry Professionals

Here are the answers to the questions that we are asked most often at the Québec podiatric medical clinic.

What is a podiatrist?

A podiatrist is a health professional who treats all local foot conditions that are not systemic diseases. A podiatrist diagnoses and cures these conditions with the help of medical, chemical, pharmaceutical, surgical and mechanical treatments (orthotics) or through manipulation.

What are the main causes of foot problems?

Improper footwear, untreated injuries, genetic foot and leg disorders, the work environment, sports activities, biomechanical problems, hygiene, etc.

What are the benefits of podiatric treatment?

The objective is to offer a global approach to treatment with the help of the therapeutic tools that are available to the podiatrist (orthotics, medication, minor surgery).

What are the signs that indicate that treatment is required?

The main signs are pain, abnormal foot lesions (bumps, outgrowths, etc.), a distorted appearance and deformities. Some problems can only be detected by a podiatrist.

At what age can treatment begin?

You are never too young or too old to consult a podiatrist, because there are a variety of pathologies that can affect infants, children and adults.

Is podiatric treatment painful?

The majority of treatments are painless. Some treatments do not even require the use of anesthesia.

Are orthotics required for all podiatric conditions?

No, an orthotic is only effective in the case of a biomechanical problem.

Do I have to wear my orthotic for the rest of my life?

Some orthotics are temporary, while others will be worn for life.

Why are there so many elderly people wearing orthotics?

As the body ages, its functionality decreases, and the feet are no exception. Orthotics can extend an elderly individual’s autonomy by compensating for the loss of integrity affecting the feet.

What is the purpose of a sports orthotic?

A sporthotic is used to optimize the body’s response for a specific sport, increase the athlete’s performance and decrease the risks of injury.

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